Sunday, April 30, 2017

Debtor Partial Payment on Account (Free Banking Template)

Debtor, Partial Payment on Account


Dear Sir or Madam:

I have received your demand for payment regarding:  ___________________.

Enclosed is a payment of $0.00 to be applied to the balance and in partial satisfaction of your claim.   I apologize for not being able to make the entire payment today because of financial circumstances beyond my control.  However, I wanted to get off this partial payment immediately to demonstrate my commitment to discharging this debt.

Rather than wait to put a whole plan together, I sent this payment today.  Next week, or shortly thereafter, I will forward you my next payment along with a plan to discharge the entire balance.

Thank you in advance for working with me so we can both get this matter dealt with as promptly and expeditiously as possible.

Best regards,


Enclosure:  Check & Bill


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