Saturday, April 29, 2017

Bad Check Notice (Final Notice) (Free Banking Templates)

Bad Check Notice-Final Notice


Dear Sir or Madam:

Your check # ___________, dated _______________, drawn by you for $ ___________, and payable to ______________________ was been returned by your bank or financial institution unpaid.  They stated the cause was for insufficient funds. 

We requested you replace that check two weeks ago.  Time is of the essence for you to do so now; otherwise, we will be forced to sue for collection in Small Claims Court, and you will be assessed those charges as well.  Therefore, to prevent this from happening, please replace your check immediately with cash, credit card, or a bank check for the original amount of the check plus the standard return check fee of $___________, for a total amount of __________________.

After receipt of your replacement payment, we will return your old check.  When you make the replacement payment, your old check will be returned to you.

Please forward your payment to the above address.    Please either bring your payment to us today or send it out today.  Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter of concern to both of us.

Best regards,


Individual or Company Representative

Enc.  Copy of Check


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